[Song: Zombies on Your Lawn -- instrumental version]
[Billy Mays picture]
Well, the answer is because
Honestly, have you ever wanted to just buy something and have it work when you buy it? Isn't that the dream -- that I pay a steep upfront price for a product and then I get to own it, and it just works, provided I maintain it over the years? That used to be the status quo. I hear many stories of people's tools being passed down generation-to-generation which just work, and much of the technology pre-2012 was of the same flavor of maintainability and relative reliability. Nowadays, you "buy" things (or actually, the "limited license to use the thing", just search up how buying a printer works!!) and either they're pretty much rubbish or you have to pay for some subscription to keep using the thing you bought. A person shouldn't have to subscribe to Canon to print on their printer, nor be forced to pay an Adobe subscription when they bought a "lifetime" product key years ago. A person shouldn't have to fork over $70+ to a AAA game company just to receive a product that's dead-on-arrival, plagued with bugs and missing promised content which goes unfixed until months have passed and players have moved on.
I am not "stuck in the past" when I use the ancient products I curate for myself, but rather I am fixed upon the words of Christ. He told us not to cheat or swindle each other, not to lie either. If you think God was angered by the sins of the tax collector 2000 years ago, just be glad The Good Book never described His feelings towards the grim pit of sin we call Big Tech. SAD! The products I see big companies offering the public -- mostly just cobbled-together E-waste with data collection baked into the hardware -- are awful to the consumer base, a stark contrast to the things we saw 20 years ago in the wonderful era where you could buy something that worked WITHOUT planned obselescence!
I like the aesthetic -- don't get me wrong -- but I love the usability and reliability far greater.
Side note on how I'm doing today -- not terrible, but definitely struggling with anger management a bit. I attended a good friend's Celebration of Life recently, which was uplifting yet solemn, but then I played a bunch of Roblox event games with my younger sister, where I realized just how much the site has turned kind of to crap. How the times change things!